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Arthur Blessitt's Around the World Cross-Walk Reaches 40,000 Miles

Arthur Blessitt : Jun 27, 2012

"At the cross the worst of man met the best of God and there is hope, love and salvation in Jesus and what He did on the cross. No one has fallen below the love of God. I always proclaim The Glory of the Coming of the Lord is at Hand. I have the easiest job in the world, inviting people to know and follow Jesus. I'm just a donkey carrying the cross and lifting up Jesus." –Arthur Blessitt

(Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada)—Guinness World Record holder Arthur Blessitt has reached forty thousand miles. This is the longest around the world walk in history.

June 25, 2012 Arthur crossed the historic mark carrying a 12 foot cross in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. An enthusiastic crowd gathered including two elders from the First Nations welcoming the cross.

Arthur Blessitt 71 ½ year old Blessitt said "I am so excited, Jesus did it. Through 44 years, 54 wars, jungles, deserts, arrested 24 times, about 80 million steps and a total weight of over 18 billion pounds, I feel great! Not an ache or a pain." His story is shared on his website

During the walk he has carried the cross in 320 nations, major inhabited island groups and territories and will continue walking on.

"One of the top ten incredible travel feats" travel.

"Surely the toughest endurance exercise ever undertaken" -Independent Newspaper UK.

Arthur has perhaps shaken the hands of more people in more nations than any person ever. He has lived with the poor and slept on the roadsides and in the jungles. He has prayed with George W. Bush, been welcomed by Yasser Arafat, led Billy Graham into the war in Belfast and met with Pope John Paul. A movie was made of his life "The Cross". His wife Denise has been with him driving with supplies for over 22 years.

Arthur says, "At the cross the worst of man met the best of God and there is hope, love and salvation in Jesus and what He did on the cross. No one has fallen below the love of God. I always proclaim The Glory of the Coming of the Lord is at Hand. I have the easiest job in the world, inviting people to know and follow Jesus. I'm just a donkey carrying the cross and lifting up Jesus."

He recently launched, The Cross in Space. A part of his cross is now orbiting the earth every 90 minutes.

"The cross is the sign of the love of God reaching out to people everywhere, of every color and every nation and religion" stated Blessitt. "I love God and I love people. I try to keep it simple. The cross has been turned away from over half the churches where I tried to leave it overnight, but never from a bar or nightclub in 44 years."

Read Arthur's travel blog at the link provided.