Breaking Christian News

Steve Shultz: "An amazing sign!"

Aimee Herd : Oct 1, 2011

This red tide is unique in how long it has lasted?

FOUNDING EDITOR'S NOTE: Jesus, the ultimate Prophet told us we would experience signs in the Heavens and Signs in the earth. If this isn't a Sign on the earth, I don't know what a sign would be! -Steve Shultz, BCN.

(San Diego, CA)?For several weeks now a strange and beautiful nighttime phenomenon has lured the curious to San Diego beaches with cameras and video recorders.

Blue WavesThe technical name is "bioluminescence" which is caused by a chemical reaction involving the plankton during a red tide moving in the waves. The effect is an amazing neon blue glow in the breakers.

While a red tide is normally something that keeps people away from the ocean, due to its smell and daytime color (a murky coffee shade); the blue, luminescent waves at night are a striking draw.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography professor Peter J. Franks told the LA Times, "When jostled, each organism will give off a flash of blue light created by a chemical reaction within the cell. When billions and billions of cells are jostled?say, by a breaking wave?you get a seriously spectacular flash of light."

According to the report, this red tide is unique in how long it has lasted?nearly a month. Watch a video of the remarkable blue waves by clicking on the source link.