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Prayer Alert: Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Facing Execution-[Audio Update Available]

Jeff King-President, ICC : Sep 29, 2011
International Christian Concern, ACLJ

UPDATE: Congressional support for Pastor Youcef is growing! For the latest on his situation, visit the website.

CLICK HERE to listen to an audio update by the ACLJ on the situation with Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian pastor who may be executed if he continues to refuse to recant his faith in Jesus in court.

EDITOR'S NOTE: There have been some reports circulating that Pastor Youcef's death sentence may be overturned, however, the ACLJ is concerned that the rumor may be a ploy by the Iranians to keep Youcef's fate out of the media. At any rate, he is still in great danger and in need of prayer. His example of standing for his faith in Jesus?even in the face of death, or persecution to his family?is a sublime example to all of us in the Body of Christ. May he sense the prayers of God's people on his behalf in this hour. ?Aimee Herd, BCN.

Pastor YoucefYoucef is the pastor of a house church in Rasht, Iran, and was arrested in October 2009 for opposing the education practice that forces non-Muslim students to read the Quran in school. Youcef had argued that the Iranian constitution permits children to be raised in their parents' faith; however, for defying Iranian authorities, Youcef was charged with apostasy.

Iranian officials used pressure tactics during Youcef's imprisonment as an attempt to coerce him to renounce his Christian beliefs, which included arresting his wife and threatening to seize his children. Still, Youcef remained firm in his faith, refusing to deny the name of his Savior Jesus Christ.

On September 22, 2010, Youcef was issued the death sentence for his conversion to Christianity and for encouraging the conversions of other Muslims. Youcef appealed the decision to the Supreme Court of Iran, claiming he had never been a Muslim and therefore could not be found guilty of apostasy.

However, a written verdict upholding the death penalty and ordering an investigation was handed down on June 12. A reexamination of the case to determine whether Nadarkhani will live or die began on Sunday and has continued for the past two days. Early this morning, Youcef refused to deny his faith for the fourth time in court. Technically, he must only be granted three opportunities to return to Islam before he can be executed for apostasy.

Throughout his imprisonment, Youcef has trusted in the Lord and has been a bold witness of the redeeming work of Christ in his life. Remember, Jesus did not merely warn His followers that they might be persecuted; He promised it, saying, "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you," (John 15:18-20).

Youcef has learned to delight in hardships and persecution for Christ's sake (2 Cor. 12:10). "Many attempt to flee from their spiritual tests...[but] no one will be victorious by escaping from them, but with patience and humility he will be able to overcome all the tests and gain victory," he wrote from Lakan Prison last June. "Although Heaven and Earth will fade, His Word will still remain."

Sincerely in Christ, Jeff King-President, ICC