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Amy Grant Urges American Citizens to Send "Holiday Mail for Heroes"

Aimee Herd : Nov 30, 2010
CBN News

"If you just take a minute to think what, how you really feel. It's hard to not be emotional."

Amy GrantYou may think receiving a letter or card from someone you don't know, when you're thousands of miles away from home, would not mean that much. However, as Brig. Gen. Richard L. Simcock, II told CBN News, recently; it can be what keeps a service member going.

"Why do the people join the military and go through the hard times and risk life and limb?" Gen. Simcock asked in the CBN article. "The answer to that question is to defend Americans and defend our way of life. And, the only way that we can be stopped is if we think or doubt that the American public is not behind us."

Well known and loved recording artist, Amy Grant, is a spokesperson for the Red Cross' Holiday Mail for Heroes program, which distributes holiday letters and cards to troops and wounded veterans all over the world.

Says Grant, "I think some people hear about this program and might go 'Ohhhh, a letter! What would I say to a disabled veteran, a young man, he's 25 and he's a double amputee and he served for me?'"

"I tell you what," she added, "if you just take a minute to think what, how you really feel. It's hard to not be emotional."

Holiday Mail for HeroesIf you would like to send cards or letters to brighten the Christmas season for US Troops overseas, address them to the address below, or CLICK HERE for the Red Cross' Holiday Mail for Heroes website.

The deadline to send mail is December 10th.

Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD