Breaking Christian News

Chilean Miners Give Witness to God

Teresa Neumann : Oct 15, 2010
Staff - CBN

Each miner emerged from the rescue capsule wearing a shirt that said "Thank you Lord" on the front. On the back of their shirts were the words, "To Him be the glory and honor," from Psalm 95:4, and on one sleeve was the name "Jesus."

(Chile)—CBN News reports that the majority of the miners rescued from a Chilean mine have given evidence of deep spirituality and faith in God. They have all agreed, the report notes, that it was their faith that kept them safe and sound during those 69 days in the depths of the earth.

Miner kneels in prayer after rescueAccording to the report each miner emerged from the rescue capsule wearing a shirt that said "Thank you Lord" on the front. On the back of their shirts were the words, "To Him be the glory and honor," from Psalm 95:4, and on one sleeve was the name "Jesus." (Photo: BBC News)

Mario Sepúlveda, the second worker who came out of the capsule, said: "God and the devil were fighting over me and God won. I always knew they would get me out. I always had faith in the professionals here in Chile and in the Great Creator."

The fourth miner to surface, Carlos Mamani, knelt down as soon as he came out of the capsule and pointed to Heaven, giving thanks to God, as did Omar Reygadas, who also held a Bible in his hands and wore a helmet with the phrase "God Lives" written on it.

Another report notes that while still trapped in the mine, 19-year-old Jimmy Sanchez had written a letter that was sent up to the surface saying, "There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here."