Breaking Christian News

Jason Castro, Alive and Well and Loving Jesus

Teresa Neumann : May 9, 2010
Mark Moring - Christianity Today

Though he's excited about the release of his first CD, he says, "I want to be a loving father, a faithful husband, and a servant to all."

One of my all-time favorite American Idol contestants was Jason Castro who competed in the series' seventh season.

Jason CastroCastro is a unique young man in several ways. I recall my initial surprise with his performances. His appearance (he sports a head full of magnificent dreadlocks) set me up to expect a different musical genre from him; gutsy reggae or at least some throaty Bob Marley impressions. Instead, the world witnessed a simple, shy, soft-spoken man pouring his heart out through tender love songs and worship classics such as "Hallelujah."

The Castro Clincher? He's a Christian, and not just the generically "Oh yeah, by the way I'm a person of faith," type of Christian. Jason Castro is passionate about Jesus and serious about his walk with God.

An April 27, Christianity Today interview with Castro notes that he was married in January and his self-titled debut CD was just released a few weeks ago. When asked about his faith and his music, Castro said: "This idea of Christian music vs. non-Christian music started back in high school when I was playing in bands. I quit my first band because I was asking God what He had in store: Should I be pursuing totally Christian music, or what should I do? There's the verse [Phil. 4:8] that says, "Whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is right, whatever is lovely?think of these things." I feel like that's what my album is?to think of these lovely things.

"I'm totally open?I do have desires to lead in worship more, because when I'm at home, I get to help out in church. I love being in a worship setting. They're two different things [his album vs. a worship album], but they're both celebrating life, you know? One's leading people in worship, and one's kind of "sneakily" leading people in worship by celebrating life and the good things God has given us.

To watch a video of Castro sharing his faith, CLICK HERE. And to read the interview with Jason, follow the link provided.