Breaking Christian News

"Leap of Faith Lambeau" to Lift Up More Prayer and Worship on 7-7-07

Web Staff/AH : Jul 1, 2007

"On 7-7-07 we are putting out a call to the believers of this generation to gather at Lambeau Field. Based on the problems this generation faces we know of only one place to get help, God. Our problems aren't new and the answer isn't either. We will gather just as they did in the Bible (Joel 2:12-17) to humble ourselves (2 Chronicles 7:14), turn from self, and back to God. He said He would forgive our sins and heal our land."

EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm a believer in the idea that there can never be "too much prayer and worship" going on. That's why I'm happy to see another prayer-based event scheduled for the important date of 7-7-07. Especially, as this week's foiled car bombings in London have reminded us of the horrible terrorist attack that took place on that date back in 2005, it is vital that as many as possible are in communication with the Father, and lifting up the name of Jesus on that day. Obviously, there are many more prayer meetings and events scheduled for that date, and we can't mention them all, but below is another worthwhile event. –Aimee Herd, BCN.

(Green Bay, Wisconsin)—The very "first faith-based event held at Lambeau Field" in Green Bay, Wisconsin, will take place on July 7th, 2007, beginning at 8:30 AM going till 9 PM. "Leap of Faith Lambeau" is a gathering of Believers to come spend time in prayer, worship and hearing the Word.

A statement on the LeapofFaithLambeau website reads...

On 7-7-07 we are putting out a call to the Believers of this generation to gather at Lambeau Field. Based on the problems this generation faces we know of only one place to get help, God. Our problems aren't new and the answer isn't either. We will gather just as they did in the Bible (Joel 2:12-17) to humble ourselves (2 Chronicles 7:14), turn from self, and back to God. He said He would forgive our sins and heal our land.

At Leap of Faith Lambeau, there will be:

•Praise—God's name will be glorified and Jesus lifted high as His people refresh their hearts in worship. Christian worship leaders will take us before the throne to adore our King with music and praise.

•Encouragement That Comes From Repentance—The Leap of Faith event will be a reminder that we are not alone on this journey of faith. God's people will come together as one, drawing encouragement and support in a mutual recommitment toward right relationship with God and each other.

•Prayer—The power of prayer will be unleashed, as God's people humble themselves before His throne, asking for mercy, forgiveness, and healing. They will ask God to revive a hunger for His Word and to bring a Spirit of repentance to His people. They will pray for renewal and a unity of Spirit within the Body of Christ.

•Humility and Brokenness—As followers of Christ, we all share responsibility for the current state of the Body of Christ. God's messengers will share the transforming truth of God's Word, allowing the Holy Spirit to sharpen the focus on our sinful ways, as our hearts to cry out to God for help. God's messengers will also share the hope of His forgiveness, comfort, and love, explaining how revived, renewed Christians can move in greater power and strength, bringing light to a dark world.

•New Fuel for Your Faith—The Bible teaches that godly sorrow leads to repentance. God's answer to our turning from sin is the gift of forgiveness, which will ultimately unleash the Spirit's power, changing our spiritual weakness into strength. With His blessing of forgiveness and the promise of hope, God's people can return to Him with all their hearts, minds, and souls. God's people will receive practical insights on where to turn for additional help, encouragement, healing and growth.

For more information and to register for this event, follow the link below.