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God Uses Survivor of Doctor-Assisted Suicide Attempt as 'Spokesman' For Him

Don Colburn / Teresa Neumann reporting : Mar 18, 2005
The Oregonian

(Oregon) On February 2, 2005, David E. Prueitt of Estacada, Oregon, awoke from a doctor-assisted suicide induced coma intended to kill him and asked his wife, "Why am I not dead?" Sixteen days later the cancer in his lungs took his life naturally. But since Mr. Prueitt's family has gone public with what he experienced during his coma, pro-euthanasia advocates are squirming.

A report in the Oregonian quotes Dr. Greg Hamilton, a Portland psychiatrist and former president of Physicians for Compassionate Care, as saying, "By any standard this is a failed attempt. That's one of the reasons we oppose assisted suicide. The dying process is prolonged and inhumane, and it's traumatic for the family."

Described as a "proud, hardworking logger," Prueitt had let few family members know about his decision. His sister and brother (Janice Davidson and Steve Prueitt) oppose euthanasia on religious grounds and were shocked when they found out about it. Two days after Prueitt woke up, according to the Oregonian report, he told his wife he had been in the presence of God. By her account, Prueitt said God had rejected his death by suicide and sent him back to live out his days and die a natural death. His brother agreed. "God chose David as his spokesman with reference to physician-assisted suicide, absolutely."