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Trump Administration Cracks Down on International Abortion "Backdoor Funding Schemes"

Calvin Freiburger : Mar 27, 2019

"The Trump administration has been the most pro-life administration in history, and Secretary Pompeo and President Trump should be thanked for closing the loopholes that allowed NGOs to take our taxpayer dollars and give them to sub-contractors that commit or promote abortions." -Students for Life of America president, Kristan Hawkins

(Washington, DC)—[] The Trump administration is strengthening the Mexico City Policy to bar taxpayer funds from organizations that support other pro-abortion groups in addition to backing abortion themselves, as well as enforcing an amendment that bars funding of international pro-abortion lobbying efforts, the Secretary of State announced Tuesday morning. (Image: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo/US Department of State-Flickr/via LifeSiteNews)

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed to reporters that the administration is closing a loophole that permits "backdoor funding schemes" under which foreign aid recipients that don't commit or promote abortion themselves can still give money to other organizations that do. "American taxpayer dollars will not be used to underwrite abortions," he declared. "This administration has shown that we can continue to meet our global health goals while refusing to subsidize the killing of unborn babies."

The administration is also ordering full enforcement of the 1981 Siljander amendment, which bars federal funds from being used to lobby for or against abortion. The first group to be impacted by the amendment is the Organization of American States (OAS) for its pro-abortion lobbying across North and South America via two of its organs: The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and Inter-American Commission on Women (IACW).

Nine Republican senators wrote to Pompeo last month urging him to make the change, citing IACHR's support for legalizing abortion in nations such as Argentina, Chile, and El Salvador, for example. Left-wing, pro-abortion organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Amnesty International, and Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) have opposed cutting funds to IACHR... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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