Breaking Christian News

Tim Tebow Releases Sneak Peak of New Film; Shares Message of God's Profound Love

Alex Olsen : Jan 8, 2019
Faith, Family, America

"We don't understand how to love until we understand how much we're loved. How much we're loved by the God of this universe; that out of everything He could have done and could be doing, He chose us." -Tim Tebow

airlift[] In 2018, Christian sports star Tim Tebow announced that he produced his first film, "Run the Race," with his brother Robby Tebow. The faith-based movie production tells a story about two high school brothers who find themselves in a difficult family dynamic. (Screengrab image: Robby and Tim Tebow/via Twitter-video)

As the young men mourn the loss of their mother and deal with the abandonment of their alcoholic father, one of them pursues a football scholarship in hopes of leading a better life for the both of them. However, an unexpected injury destroys his chance at the college football scholarship... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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