Breaking Christian News

Flush Your Arteries Clean

Paid Advertisement : Aug 23, 2018


Heart Surgeons are Furious:
Dentists' Secret Could Put Them

Dear Friend,

Dentists and heart doctors have one major thing in common...

They both know about a long-used, government-approved, safe solution that turns dangerous plaque into dust.

It's an amino acid so safe that the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved it as an additive to baby food...

And when used to fight plaque — it neutralizes the rogue calcium deposits responsible for super-gluing plaque to your artery walls....

Dentists use it all the time. Ever had a root canal? Then you have too!

So why isn't your cardiologist using it to fix your arteries?

Because it could mean the end of stenting, angioplasty, bypass and most ALL unnecessary and risky heart surgeries — FOR GOOD!

But that's just the beginning of the good things that happen once 75,000 miles of arteries, veins, capillaries and microscopic arterioles in your body are scrubbed clean...

People who've used it report:

Brain cells that controlled memory were rejuvenated!

Painful joints were soothed!

Eyes, ears, sexual organs returned to normal function!

Arms, hands, legs, feet once cold and numb, now warm!

Skin — once thin — smoothed and regained a youthful glow!

Heart — once in grave danger — was revitalized!

Click here to discover the biggest heart-health breakthrough of the century!

Yours for healthy living,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Options®

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