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First Ever Married Down Syndrome Couple Celebrates 28th Wedding Anniversary

Lindsay Elizabeth : May 31, 2018

"When they walk down the street holding hands they make a statement but in a good way, what keeps their marriage so strong is that there is never a hidden agenda. They love each other with their whole hearts and are honest with one another..." -Lindi Newman, Maryanne's sister

[] 28 years ago the first couple with down syndrome broke a few barriers by becoming the first such couple to get married—today they are celebrating their anniversary, happy and in love. (Photo: Tommy and Maryanne-Facebook/via

When Maryanne and Tommy married, they received love from many, excited about their marriage, but they also received much criticism, especially from people they barely knew.

But even back then, their family was supportive of their decision. Lindi Newman, the sister of Maryanne, states that love is at the basis of their successful marriage.

"Anything is possible with love and there should be no limitations for anyone, no matter what their circumstances are," Newman stated.

Newman isn't only supportive verbally of the couple, as she also runs a Facebook page that is dedicated to celebrating the love found within Maryanne and Tommy's marriage.

Tommy and Maryanne met in 1990 at a training center for people with disabilities, and quickly realized they liked each other more than simply co-workers. They dated for 18-months, and then Tommy popped the big question.

Maryanne's mother, Linda, helped Tommy buy the ring, and even took him to a jewelry store to pick out a proper one!

"The day Maryanne met Tommy she came home with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't stop talking about him and asked if he could come for dinner," Newman said.

Despite Maryanne's mother and her sister approving of the marriage, many others did not. In fact, "many people even criticized Linda for allowing it...

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