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Pro-Life Campaigners Erect Massive 'NO' Sign in Dublin Mountains Ahead of Abortion Referendum

Will Maule : May 23, 2018

On Friday 25 May, the Irish population will head to the polls to determine the fate of an amendment which places an equal "right to life" on both mother and unborn child. If the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution is repealed, it will pave the way for increasingly progressive abortion laws in this historically pro-life nation.

[] As Ireland gears up for an historic referendum to determine the future of its abortion law, the pro-life campaign is making its voice heard by any means possible. (Image source: Twitter /Niall Delaney/via Faithwire)

In their latest public show of opposition to the repeal, pro-life campaigners drew up a massive "No" in the Dublin mountains, south of the capital city. One reporter even noted that the "No" sign, placed in a rural area beyond the city, was being guarded by a live bull...

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