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UK Doctor's Group Supports Alfie Evans; Condemns Hospital's "Medical Tyranny"

Dorothy Cummings McLean : Apr 25, 2018

Stating that "medical tyranny must stop", the doctors demand that British authorities allow Alfie safe passage to Rome. They also demand an investigation into Alfie's doctors' conduct.

(United Kingdom)— [] A group of British doctors are condemning the treatment Alfie Evans has been receiving at Alder Hey children's hospital. (Photo: Kate holding Alfie/Facebook- Alfie's Army)

The Medical Ethics Alliance has released a statement indicating that the Liverpool National Health Service facility has put Alfie on a "pathway towards death" and has brought the entire medical profession into "disrepute."

"We are deeply concerned and outraged by the treatment and care offered to Alfie Evans," the doctors wrote in a press release this morning.

Their statement comes less than 24 hours after Alfie had his ventilator removed against the wishes of parents Tom and Kate. Alfie continues to breathe on his own, confounding doctors' predictions. The parents are continuing the legal battle to have their son's care transferred to a hospital in Rome. A UK judge will make a decision this afternoon.

"Despite a viable alternative being available (namely transfer by air ambulance for further assessment to a specialist hospital in Rome), the hospital and doctors responsible for his care insists that he remains under their care and on a pathway towards death," they continued.

"While he now has some oxygen and some fluid, this has taken huge effort to obtain for him. He is offered sedation although (we understand) this has not been given at present. Sedation (if given) would mean that he would develop respiratory failure and die even more quickly."

"Actions such as these have now brought the Alder Hey Hospital to worldwide attention and by extension bring our whole profession into disrepute."

Stating that "medical tyranny must stop", the doctors demand that British authorities allow Alfie safe passage to Rome. They also demand an investigation into Alfie's doctors' conduct.

"With respect we insist that with immediate effect the [General Medical Council] investigate the actions of doctors providing his care"...

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