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Surge of Pro-Life Judges Could End Roe v. Wade Once and for All

Emily Jones : Apr 5, 2018
CBN News

It's not just law makers who are fighting abortion. One group in particular seems to be driving the force: young people.

(Washington, DC)—[CBN News] It's been more than 40 years since the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand in America. (Photo: Pro-life marchers/via CBN News)

However, pro-life activists believe the country is more poised now than ever before to overturn Roe v Wade. They say a federal judiciary full of pro-life Trump appointees presents the biggest threat to abortion in decades.

Red states are also joining the fight against abortion by introducing new efforts to restrict the practice.

Barry Sheets, legislative consultant for the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio, told The Washington Times challenging Roe "factors into every piece of legislation we're working on."

Last month the state introduced a bill that would outright ban abortion.

"I think it definitely will be a challenge to Roe," Sheets said. "The bill says for the purposes of Ohio law, abortion shall not be legal in any way, shape or form. I think that naturally sets up a challenge for Roe. The way we look at it, we have to give the court something to look at."

It's not just law makers who are fighting abortion. One group in particular seems to be driving the force: young people.

Polling shows 53 percent of millennials believe abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances.

Pro-life millennials like the Susan B. Anthony List's Mallory Quigley told CBN News that their pro-life stance is no coincidence.

"We've grown up with ultra-sound technology, we've seen our mothers and aunts and sisters print out their ultra-sounds and put it on their fridge. And what's happening is the unborn child is welcomed and considered a member of the family long before they're born," she explained.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life says this generation isn't only passionate, but politically driven, as well.

Students for Life boasts more than 1,100 pro-life groups on campuses across the country.

"We are there every day on the campuses. Right where the culture is formed. Right where those future voters are being created and we're changing their minds about abortion," she said.