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Professor Jordan Peterson Defies Howling Mob to Give Students Life-Changing Advice: "Don't Pander to Identity Politics!"

Dorothy Cummings McLean : Mar 13, 2018

This is advice every college student in the West needs to hear.

airlift(Canada)— [] While a howling mob screamed obscenities and pounded on the windows, freedom-of-speech advocate Dr. Jordan Peterson gave hundreds of university students life-changing advice. (Photo: Professor Jordan Peterson/via LifeSiteNews)

In an hour and forty minute presentation at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, now available on Youtube, Peterson gave a short presentation on the rise of "compelled speech in Canada" before taking students' questions.

In a marked contrast to the screeching activists outside, the young people inside Grant Hall showed a sincere interest in what the northern nation's most famous living public intellectual had to say. Their respect was rewarded with equally respectful and deeply insightful answers.

Peterson's reply to the fourth question in particular pertained to students who fear that speaking their minds will ruin their career prospects.

"In terms of practicality, what are your tips and your perspective on steps that students can take to speak their minds while not sacrificing their future prospects?" asked one young man.

Peterson said that it would be "very practical" for students not to write in their essays what they think their professors want to hear.

"There's absolutely no excuse whatsoever for doing that," the best-selling author said. "Now, first of all, most professors, even those who have descended into a state of ideological possession ... still have enough character to grade an essay that's well-written properly. So you're actually taking less of a risk than you would think by stating what you have to state."

Peterson warned that pandering to professors has negative consequences on student character.

"If you start practicing when you're in university, when the stakes are rather low, pandering to the audience...

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