Breaking Christian News

Sanhedrin and Temple Movement Issue Silver Half Shekel with Images of Trump and Cyrus

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz : Feb 20, 2018
Breaking Israel News

An inscription commemorating Lord Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary who issued what was dubbed the "Balfour Declaration" that called for establishing a Jewish homeland in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine, will also appear on the face of the coin.

[] In gratitude to US President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Jerusalem, the nascent Sanhedrin and the Mikdash (Temple) Educational Center are minting a replica of the silver half-shekel Biblically mandated to be donated by every Jewish male to the Temple. (Image: Trump-Cyrus Silver half-shekel/courtesy Mordechai Persoff/via BIN)

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, Chairman of the Mikdash & Tsion Association that initiates the Temple reenactments and represents all the Temple movements, explained that the initial motivation for the putting the image of the US president on the coin was in gratitude for his support of Israel.

"Gratitude is an important and holy trait," Rabbi Weiss, who is also spokesman of the nascent Sanhedrin, told Breaking Israel News. "He did a great and historical deed that the Jewish People are grateful for."

An image of President Trump will be engraved alongside an image of the ancient Persian King Cyrus, who facilitated the building of the Second Temple that...

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