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Pro-Life, Pro-Science: How Advances Lift the Curtain on Roe

John Stonestreet, G. Shane Morris : Feb 8, 2018
Christian Headlines

Ultimately, writes Green, the reason science has been such a powerful ally to the pro-life cause is because it resonates with the "common sense of fetal heartbeats and swelling stomachs." It gives us permission to voice something we already know at an intuitive level: The unborn are babies, and should be treated as such.

[] Writing at The Atlantic, Emma Green chronicles how breakthroughs in medical technology and advances in our understanding of pregnancy have fueled the movement to end abortion. (Photo: Having an ultrasound/Creative Commons via Pixabay)

Forty-five years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide, it's become clear that this Supreme Court decision and the sexual revolution that spawned it were both based on ignorance—ignorance of what really happens inside the womb, and of what unborn human beings really are.

Since that time, a curtain has lifted. So-called "fetuses," once shrouded in mystery, their forms hidden in what the psalmist poetically calls, "the depths of the earth," have becomevisible...

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