Breaking Christian News

Atheists Sue Over Trump Administration's "Secretive" White House Bible Study

Billy Hallowell : Jan 22, 2018

"The pious affair is apparently co-sponsored by Vice President Mike Pence. The list of Bible study attendees includes officials whose appointments FFRF objected to because of their inability to keep their personal religion separate from their public office..." -Freedom from Religion Foundation press release

(Washington, DC)—[] An atheist activist group is suing the federal government over the allegation that Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is "dodging records requests relating to a White House Bible study." (Photo: Praying over the President/via

The Freedom From Religion Foundation teamed up with government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, to push back against what the groups say is a systematic practice of denying fee waivers for Freedom of Information Act requests.

These fees are generally waived for 501(c)(3) organizations such as the FFRF, but were reportedly not waived when the organizations reached out for documentation and clarity surrounding Bible studies that have unfolded among Trump cabinet members.

FFRF and CREW are exploring documents that relate to these highly publicized Bible studies that are organized and attended by secretaries and major figures inside the Trump administration. A FFRF press release has more...

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