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Balfour Declaration Was "Biblically-Based Miracle" Bringing Christians and Jews Together

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz : Nov 2, 2017

The basis of the growing Christian-Jewish relationship has always been the Hebrew Bible, the shared heritage of the two faiths. The Christian initiators of the Balfour Declaration were known to have been inspired by their Biblical beliefs, making Balfour the first significant diplomatic Christian act entwining modern Israel with its Biblical destiny.

airlift[] The Balfour Declaration, a document that led to the establishment of the state of Israel, was the result of Biblically-based miracles, said a political expert on Thursday at a conference focused on continuing the path of Christian-Jewish cooperation begun by Balfour. (Image: A portrait of Lord Arthur James Balfour with the text of the Balfour Declaration written in Hebrew/Bezalel Arts Academy/Wikimedia Commons/via BIN)

Speaking at a panel named for the conference, "From Balfour to Nikki Haley: 100 Years of Christian Zionist Diplomacy", Barry Shaw, Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, noted that the Balfour Declaration was not simply a political move.

"The declaration was part of a series of modern miracles leading up to Messiah," Shaw said. "A miracle is not a magic trick. It is something we can't comprehend. When Allenby marched into Jerusalem one hundred years ago, he walked in on foot because, as a devout Christian, he believed that only the Messiah rides into Jerusalem on horseback...

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