Breaking Christian News

Amazing Secret Mission: Israel Partners with This Christian Ministry to Save Lives Deep in Syria

Chris Mitchell : Oct 31, 2017
CBN News

Jews helping Christians helping Muslims. Some call it a genuine "Middle East Peace Plan." Indeed, said trauma nurse Debbie Dennison, "They have a historic animosity towards Christians, but all it took was an expression of love and we were welcomed with open arms."

airlift(Israel)—[CBN News] CBN News was given an exclusive look at what up until now was a secret IDF mission. It's a one of a kind Middle East story that combines the Israel Defense Forces, a Christian ministry and the brutality of the Syrian civil war. (Photo: Dr. Sally Parsons and trauma nurse Debbie Dennison/via CBN News)

The story begins on the Golan Heights in the dead of night. Israeli soldiers are inside Syria. Using night vision goggles, flashlights and hope, Israel is providing life-saving medical supplies for Syrians caught in their long and bloody civil war.

For this mission, they have a Christian partner, an aid group called Frontier Alliance International or F.A.I.

"We support the state of Israel and we love the Jewish people," said Dalton Thomas, founder of F.A.I. "So to be able to engage the Syrian crisis through the Israeli border in cooperation with the Israeli army is a huge privilege for us as an organization."

F.A.I. with the help of the IDF sent a Christian medical team deep inside Syria.

After a seven-week tour of duty in a Syrian village, Dr. Sally Parsons and trauma nurse Debbie Dennison returned to the Israeli side of the border.

In footage CBN obtained from the IDF, Parsons is asked if it was a long trip. He suggested, "it was very good though, very good."

Parsons and Dennison served in a makeshift hospital treating Syrians wounded in their civil war fighting the Assad regime. Both women said it was their faith that led them into the war zone.

"Because the Lord calls us into all the world to all the nations and I specifically, I can't speak for the others, but I specifically felt God told me this is what I was supposed to be doing," Parsons told CBN News.

"You had to count the cost. You had to say 'do I love you enough that I'm willing to lay down my life?' Of course, and my answer was 'yes'," Dennison told CBN News.

Parsons—a surgeon for thirty years—faced surgeries she had never done before.

When the team didn't know what to do, they turned to prayer and YouTube.

CBN obtained footage of Parsons and Dennison looking at a YouTube video of surgery on a smart phone while standing in the operating room ready to perform surgery.

They watched YouTube and discussed the surgery: "So that's exactly what I need, that's lateral. How many incisions, three? How many compartments? You got me, I think it's probably two but cutting the skin. Okay, so they're just going lateral."

airlift"We downloaded a YouTube for cesarean section and we did that and I prayed a lot more than I read," said Parsons. "We did it for cesarean section, circumcision, Fasciotomy. I think those were the main ones I recall." The video, prayer and the surgery saved the man's leg. (Photo: The cesarean section surgery/via CBN News)

And then there were the babies born.

"It's what sustained us, to be able to see new life in such a horrific war. It was just a blessing beyond belief," said Parsons.

Parsons and her team sent the worst cases back to Israel.

Their mission was just one part of a larger Israeli project called Operation Good Neighbor. Israel provides food, fuel, water and medical treatment for Syrians—their next-door neighbors and historic enemy. So far Israel has treated more than five thousand Syrians in Israeli hospitals.

IDF Major Sergey serves as the Operation Good Neighbor Chief Medical Officer. We asked him why Israel would mount such an operation?

"For our side this is a very simple question," Sergey told CBN News.

"I can't see the other side of the border that's starving in his place and [not] bring him help. This is a huge situation that they live there and this is my point, my opportunity to bring them help and they need this. This is the point," Sergey continued. "So, if they need this and I can give them, I am very proud to do this"...

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