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VP Pence Walks Out on 49ers-Colts Game Over National Anthem Protests

News Staff : Oct 9, 2017
CBN News

"I stand with @POTUS Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem." -Vice President, Mike Pence

(Indiana)—[CBN News] Vice President Mike Pence walked out on the San Francisco 49-ers and Indianapolis Colts football game Sunday after about a dozen players took a knee during the national anthem. (Photo: Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence stand, hands-over-hearts for the National Anthem/via CBN News)

The former Indiana governor attended the game to watch Peyton Manning's jersey retirement ceremony, but he left after some of the 49-ers players took a knee.

"I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our flag, or our national anthem," Pence tweeted.

"While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem."

"I stand with @POTUS Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem."

", more than ever, we should rally around our Flag and everything that unites us..."

Shortly after, President Trump tweeted.

"I asked VP Pence to leave the stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and Second Lady Karen," he wrote.

The White House also issued a statement from Pence. He said Americans should rally around the flag. "I don't think it's too much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem," he said.

The NFL players' union issued the following statement after Pence's walkout:

"NFL players are union members and part of the labor movement that has woven the fabric of America for generations," the NFLPA's statement read. "Our men and their families are also conscientious Americans who continue to be forces for good through our communities and some have decided to use their platform to peacefully raise awareness to issues that deserve attention. It is a source of enormous pride that some of the best conversations about these issues have taken place in our locker rooms in a respectful, civil and thoughtful way that should serve as a model for how all of us can communicate with each other." "We should not stifle these discussions and cannot allow our rights to become subservient to the very opinions our Constitution protects. That is what makes us the land of the free and home of the brave."