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5 Significant Events to Watch on Capitol Hill This Week

Josh Shepherd : Oct 3, 2017

From the Supreme Court's new term to the House budget and a long-awaited pro-life bill, many events converge this week in the nation's capital.

(Washington, DC)—[] In the wake of events in Las Vegas, much of the nation's attention will turn away from Washington, DC, this week. Yet even as people seek to understand how this deadly shooting occurred, leaders on Capitol Hill face several urgent priorities in the days ahead. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite/via

Key events will shape how our nation responds to significant justice issues and world events. Note that these events are subject to change, particularly with wild cards such as ongoing relief efforts in Puerto Rico, threats from North Korea, the Mueller investigation and response to the shooting tragedy.

1. U.S. Supreme Court Opens Its New Term

On Monday morning, the Supreme Court began its new term—which will last through the end of June 2018. The nine justices will face a variety of high-profile cases, some already on the docket. Others are yet to be granted cert, that is, a lower court opinion to be reviewed by the nation's highest court.

Many cases involve issues that concern every American. In Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, baker Jack Phillips will contend that he serves gay clients often in his business. He believes that being forced by the state to design, create and sell custom cakes for same-sex wedding ceremonies goes against his First Amendment rights.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear Gill v. Whitford. The Wisconsin case challenges how states draw up the lines of Congressional voting districts. These borders affect the balance of power in Congress. The issue is known as "gerrymandering," and both political parties have exploited it in the past.

The House is scheduled to vote Tuesday on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban most abortions after the 20th week of development in the womb.

Other major cases involve immigration policy, local police seizing cell phone records, onerous EPA regulations and whether public unions can force nonmembers to pay annual dues. Many will be watching the court's newest member, Justice Neil Gorsuch. Will his voice impact oral arguments and how the Supreme Court rules?

2. Significant Pro-Life Bill Gets House Vote

This week, the pro-life movement hopes that four years of speaking up for lives in the womb will bear fruit with a new law. The House is scheduled to vote Tuesday on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban most abortions after the 20th week of development in the womb. The bill penalizes abortion providers who would attempt to offer these services.

Pro-life advocates' campaign on this bill includes a House vote in the previous Congress and a letter of support signed by now-President Donald Trump. Last time around, the bill failed in the Senate.

Former nurse Jill Stanek, now with the Susan B. Anthony List, says lives are at stake with this bill. "Current policy results in the direct, calculable loss of more than 15,000 babies per year who are older than 20 weeks," she said. As to the science behind the bill, primary House sponsor Congressman Trent Franks cites research from the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

"There's no debate about that," Franks said at a Capitol Hill event. "No one, except someone who's just a demagogue or a liar or a complete moron—forgive me, we always have to include all the possibilities—will truly debate that a child feels pain beginning at the fifth month."

3. Governor Sam Brownback Faces Senate Confirmation Hearing

On Wednesday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will consider the nomination of Kansas Governor Sam Brownback to...

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