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Jared Kushner's Jewish Family is a Legend Still Spoken of Today in Belarus: Their Daring Escape From the Nazis

Cnaan Liphshiz : Jun 12, 2017
Times of Israel

The grandmother of Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law, led a daring escape from the Nazis that is still spoken of, and memorialized, today.

(Belarus)—[Times of Israel] People in Jared Kushner's ancestral town tend to speak very highly of US President Donald Trump. (Photo: Marina Yarashuk, director of the Museum of Jewish Resistance of Novogrudak, at the museum on June 1, 2017/ Cnaan Liphshiz /JTA/via Times of Israel)

That's generally the norm in the former Soviet Union. After all, Trump's style goes over well in this part of the world—a survey conducted in November in Russia found that 45 percent of respondents said they would vote for Trump, compared to a four-percent approval rating for Hillary Clinton. Trump has promised to improve relations with Russia and has enjoyed high approval ratings throughout the region, with the exception of Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

But in Novogrudok—a picturesque city of 30,000 in western Belarus, about halfway between Minsk and Bialystok, Poland—Trump's election is especially celebrated because it adds Kushner, the president's son-in-law and key advisor, to the city's short list of international success stories.

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