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Hard-Hitting Dennis Prager Calls on Anti-Trump Conservatives to Drop Their Pride, Forget Their Reputations and Support "Our New General": Otherwise...

Teresa Neumann-Opinion : May 31, 2017
Dennis Prager – Investor’s Business Daily

"Anti-Trump conservatives see themselves as highly moral people (which they often are) who are duty-bound not to compromise themselves by strongly supporting Trump, whom they largely view as morally defective. [But] they can accept an imperfect reality and acknowledge that we are in a civil war, and that Trump, with all his flaws, is our general. If this general is going to win, he needs the best fighters. But too many of them, some of the best minds of the conservative movement, are AWOL. I beg them: Please report for duty." -Dennis Prager

Hollywood, university students, liberal Democrats: what do they have in common? The short answer is a nearly irrational hatred of President Donald J. Trump. The long answer includes a lengthy list of pro-American beliefs that the current president supports. (Photo: President Trump stands hand-on-heart while the National Anthem plays at Arlington Cemetery/via Washington Examiner)

Making "America Great Again" just doesn't compute with them. In fact, it downright scares them to death.

But what about conservatives who have aligned themselves with the radical Left against Trump? I mean, is anyone else as appalled as I am by "Republican" congressmen and senators who continue to try and subvert the successes of the conservative platform that Trump has vowed to uphold?

Conservative syndicated columnist and talk show host Dennis Prager recently addressed this paradox:

"I have concluded," He said, "that there are a few reasons that explain conservatives who were Never-Trumper's during the election, and who remain anti-Trump today.

"The first and, by far, the greatest reason is this: They do not believe that America is engaged in a civil war, with the survival of America as we know it at stake.

"While they strongly differ with the left, they do not regard the left-right battle as an existential battle for preserving our nation. On the other hand, I, and other conservative Trump supporters, do."

In fact, Prager went on to confess that he, himself, "vigorously" opposed Trump during the Republican primaries but then just as "vigorously" supported him after he was elected. Why?

"I believed then, as I do now," He explained, "that America was doomed if a Democrat had been elected president."

Clearly, like Prager, so many Americans thought the same way that they elected Trump. After eight years of an Obama presidency, when it came down to a Clinton presidency vs. a Trump presidency, many conservatives felt it was a no-brainer. (Photo: Brittany Jacobs, left, watches as her 6-year-old son Christian Jacobs meets President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, Monday, May 29, 2017/ Jacobs/AP Photo/Evan Vucci/via Seattle Times)

This is exactly where Prager hit the nail on the head. To his amazement, he said, all the anti-Trump conservatives he knew "thought during the election, and still think, that while it would not have been a good thing if Hillary Clinton had won, it wouldn't have been a catastrophe either."

"That's it, in a nutshell," concluded Prager. "Many conservatives, including me, believe that it would have been close to over for America, as America, if the Republican candidate, who happened to be a flawed man named Donald Trump, had not won. Moreover, I am certain that only Donald Trump would have defeated Hillary Clinton. In other words, I believe that Donald Trump may have saved the country. And that, in my book, covers a lot of sins—foolish tweets, included."

Prager also added a list of valid points in his defense of the President, which is well worth reading here. The list includes the appointment of a conservative to the Supreme Court, the beginning of the process to replace ObamaCare, labeling the Iranian regime "evil" in front of 50 Muslim heads of state—not to mention his "leading from the front" in tackling ISIS—and appointing a U.N. ambassador "who regularly condemns the U.N. for its moral hypocrisy," among others.

Personally, I would add to that list Trump's courage in standing up to Planned Parenthood.

True to Prager form, however, he didn't end his assessment of "Never-Trumper's" by simply calling them out on their hypocrisy and inexcusable obstructionism. No. He brilliantly warned of the dangers to our country if they continue down the compromising path they are currently on. He then asked them—nay, begged them—to join the side of reality, reason and practicality.

For all our sakes, I heartily agree. Otherwise, those "conservative" politicians who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with liberals to NOT make America great again may very well lose their seats in the next election. The simple fact is, the American people have spoken and expect to be represented appropriately. (Photo: Teresa Neumann, BCN Journalist and Author)

But even worse, if the sullen, pouting, vengeful members of the conservative party do not get on board to correct the destructive path America has been on for so long, they will have lost their constituents' trust and respect as well.

And trust and respect, at the end of the day, is what we expect from our representatives in Washington. Without it, they will surely fail.