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Kellyanne Conway Speaks Out on Vice-President Pence's Marriage, Syrian Massacre and Susan Rice Scandal

News Staff : Apr 6, 2017
CBN News

"They [the Pence's] have a beautiful marriage that should be held up as an example of a great Christian marriage. It's also their business. I really find the irony in those who scream about everybody's privacy and individuality and then passing judgment on someone else's marriage. I've worked with Vice President Pence for over a decade. I find him to be an incredible human being of great courage, great honor." -Kellyanne Conway

(Washington, DC)—[CBN News] In an exclusive interview Wednesday with CBN's "Brody and Browder" Facebook LIVE show, Kellyanne Conway weighed in on the hot-button issues of the day. (Photo: Kellyanne Conway/via CBN News)

Some of those topics included the Susan Rice scandal, the Syrian chemical massacre, and the Neil Gorsuch confirmation hearings.

Did Susan Rice Spy on the Trump Team?
Regarding the Rice controversy, the former Obama administration official is denying allegations that she sought to learn the identities of Trump campaign officials swept up in legal surveillance of foreign targets.

Conway, however, tells CBN News that the White House has "great concerns" about the role former National Security Advisor Susan Rice may have played in unmasking and possibly leaking intelligence on Trump transition officials.

The House Intelligence Committee reportedly wants Rice to testify about what she knows.

At first, she said she knew nothing about any intelligence being collected on those working on the Trump transition. But then she said nothing was "improperly done," raising questions about what she may or may not know.

"I note that in the PBS interview Ms. Rice had said that she knew nothing about it and then yesterday used a very clever term that none of this was done for quote 'political purposes,'" she told CBN's "Brody and Browder." "So I think that qualifier has raised a lot of eyebrows."

"She seemed not willing to be able to answer specific questions in any role she may have had. We'll leave it to those in Congress to decide whether or not they would like to speak with her. I know some have publicly expressed an interest in doing so but we have great concerns about the continual possibility of incidental collection on innocent Americans and possible surveillance."

President Trump and Evangelicals
Conway says President Trump, shortly after winning the election on November 9, announced he will be the president for all Americans, but evangelicals also helped put him into office on Election Day.

She says it was his plans to pick a Supreme Court justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia, and his impassioned defense of life during the campaign, that convinced evangelical voters to support him.

Conway points out that President Trump has already delivered on promises, by reinstating the Mexico City Policy against international abortion funding, in the effort to defund Planned Parenthood in the replacement bill for Obamacare, and through his broad support for religious liberty.

The Flap over Vice President Pence's Comments about Women
And when asked about all the fuss over Vice President Mike Pence saying he protects his integrity by choosing to never be alone with a woman other than his wife, Conway said, "They have a beautiful marriage that should be held up as an example of a great Christian marriage." (Photo: Mike and Karen Pence/via Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk)

"It's also their business," Conway said. "I really find the irony in those who scream about everybody's privacy and individuality and then passing judgment on someone else's marriage."

"I've worked with Vice President Pence for over a decade," she said. "I find him to be an incredible human being of great courage, great honor."

"I don't know a single woman, including myself, who has dealt with Vice President Pence—as a congressman, as a governor, now as vice president—who has been denied a single thing professionally because of our gender or our access to him, that's simply not the case."

Click here to watch the full interview.