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Family Adopts a Precious Girl Born Without Limbs: "Loving Her was What Mattered Most"

Nancy Flanders : Mar 23, 2017

"She has given us far more than we will ever give her. She is so full of joy and light, and is an inspiration to all who meet her. We put limits on her abilities and then we see her doing exactly what we thought she was not capable of. We are so blessed to have her in our family..." -Stewart family/Love What Matters

[LiveActionNews/via LifeSiteNews] In a village in the Philippines in 2014, a little girl was born without limbs. At six months old she was placed in an orphanage for children with special needs, where she waited for a family to adopt her. (Photo: Adrianne Stewart/via

In October of 2014, when she was nine months old, the Stewart family saw a picture of the little girl and decided to adopt her. It would take months of paperwork and a trip to the Philippines, but a year later, Adrianne and Jason Stewart were bringing little Maria home to join their family of five, including two biological daughters and an adopted son.

"When we found our daughter we did not think we were qualified or prepared enough to parent a child like her, a child born without arms and legs, but we knew that we could love her and that loving her was what mattered most..."

Click here to watch a beautiful video documenting the Stewart family's adoption of Maria and how she's become a beloved forever-member of their family. 

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