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10 Questions We Should Ask as President Trump Prepares to Name a New Supreme Court Justice

Pastor Bill Shuler : Jan 23, 2017

There is no higher standard that a nation can adopt than to value and protect life. I think back to my visit with Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who told me in her humble home in India: "We must be the voice of those who have none."

[] On Wednesday, President-elect Trump said that—within two weeks of his Inauguration—he will announce his choice for a new Supreme Court Justice. In a first for any U.S. President, Trump has stated he is "committed to nominating pro-life justices." (Photo credit: Aaron Wong/Bound4LIFE)

Yet we must also recognize that our nation stands divided on the subject of abortion rights. Indeed, no other issue seems to evoke such passionate discourse. It is a debate in which everyone is talking, but few are listening.

I believe asking good questions can be powerful. The following are ten questions to start a dialogue, reflecting truths around which all moral people should be able to come together.

1. Can we agree that the number of abortions needs to be reduced?

2. Can we border on caution when it comes to the question of when life begins?

3. Can we agree that inconvenience is not a proper reason for an abortion?

4. Can we speak to those of an opposite viewpoint without using hate speech?

5. Can we choose to promote a culture of life?

6. Can we encourage adoption, recognizing the many parents who would love and cherish a baby? (Photo credit: Aaron Wong/Bound4LIFE)

7. Can we help teens see that abstinence is the surest way to avoid STDs, regret and abortions?

8. Can we agree that there is no greater gift than life?

9. Can we agree that this is ultimately an issue that transcends politics?

10. Can we agree that you and I wouldn't be able to have an opinion on this issue if we had been aborted?

There is no higher standard that a nation can adopt than to value and protect life. I think back to my visit with Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who told me in her humble home in India: "We must be the voice of those who have none."

The Bible says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" (Jeremiah 1:5). It is within our means to bring healing and hope by the choices that we make and the actions that we take.

Reprinted with permission from Bound4Life International.

Pastor Bill Shuler serves as lead pastor of Capital Life Church, a life-giving interdenominational church in Arlington, Virginia serving the DC capital region. He and other Christian leaders will be participating in One Voice DC, a prayer and worship gathering on January 26 to proclaim life.