Breaking Christian News

This Church Just Sold Its Historic Campus to Muslims, In the Name of... Peace

Jessilyn Justice : Dec 16, 2016
Charisma News

"It's about showing a witness to the world, the children of Abraham and everybody else included can work together and live together in respect and dignity. And isn't that what all of our faiths are about?” said Rev. Sara Smith. Umm ... no.

(Bridgeport, CT) — [Charisma News] A church with roots that trace to the colonial era will be repurposed as a mosque. The United Congregational Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, considers itself to be a progressive congregation and will sell the building in the New Year. (Photo Credit: United Congregational Church, Bridgeport/Facebook)

"May Allah guide all of us to make this project a reality that benefits the entire community," Bridgeport Islamic Cultural Center head Ahmed Ebrahim posted to Facebook.

United Congregational Church says the sale of the building is more than a transaction.

"It's about healing wounds; it's about building peace," Rev. Sara Smith says in a video posted to Facebook. "It's about showing a witness to the world, the children of Abraham and everybody else included can work together and live together in respect and dignity. And isn't that what all of our faiths are about?

The congregation will not be closing after the move. Instead, it is moving. The 300-member church no longer has need for a 3000-seat building.

According to the site, "We are a congregation of the United Church of Christ, a progressive and inclusive denomination where we believe God's love is for all people, Jesus' message is about extravagant welcome and the church is a community where all are embraced and celebrated," which includes members of the gay community.

Charisma News