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What's YOUR Mindset? Seeing with Kingdom Eyes; an Important Strategy for Believers in This Season

Aimee Herd/Clayton Ford-Opinion : Nov 16, 2016

"Paul the Apostle reminds us in Colossians 3:1-2 to 'set our minds and hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.' Our greatest impact as Christians comes not as we focus on things on the earth, but as we come to understand Whose we are and who we are in Christ, and apprehend by faith and prayer all that God has given us through Christ, bringing God's Kingdom and power and glory and blessings from Heaven to earth." –Clayton Ford

airliftLast week's historic election of Donald Trump to America's highest office came as an impossible surprise to many, but among the Body of Christ in the U.S. who had largely supported the admittedly flawed candidate, it was a fulfillment of many prophetic words and prayers. (Photo: Public Domain image/via Pixabay)

I'm reminded of the Prophet Samuel who—charged by God to anoint the next king from Jesse's sons—began with the most likely choices judging by earthly standards. But God had chosen the most UNlikely one, a simple shepherd boy named David. God reminded Samuel that He doesn't see us as man sees—in a natural way, but He "looks on the heart."
How important it is for God's people to keep this in mind in this season, trusting the Lord and asking Him to help us see through His eyes. Ultimately the success of President-elect Trump's—and America's—next four years will be "not by might, not by power, but by [God's] Spirit."
Clayton Ford, National Co-Director of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries, has a very timely word that speaks to this important mindset and directive for prayer:
airliftJesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world." God's Kingdom certainly affects the earthly kingdom. When we pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven", we are praying that the life, power, love, resources, presence of our King come into our world and transform it. God's primary way of accomplishing that is not through politics but by His Spirit through the proclamation and prayers and Spirit-anointed actions of the saints. Yes, we do have stewardship responsibilities to use our political freedoms for the cause of righteousness and justice. But I believe we Believers need to be careful not to lower our spiritual center of gravity from the Kingdom/heavenly realm to the earthly realm. (Photo: Clayton Ford/courtesy)
Paul the Apostle reminds us in Colossians 3:1-2 to "set our minds and hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God." Our greatest impact as Christians comes not as we focus on things on the earth, but as we come to understand Whose we are and who we are in Christ, and apprehend by faith and prayer all that God has given us through Christ, bringing God's Kingdom and power and glory and blessings from Heaven to earth.

When we Christians allow ourselves to become bitterly divided over ideologies, or grieve to the point of being nearly incapacitated over the outcome of an election, perhaps it is a sign that we have become "too EARTHLY minded to be of any earthly good." Perhaps we need to focus our attention on Jesus, on things above, on His Kingdom. There's a difference between the presence of the Kingdom and your ideology, you know. Earnest Christians need to be united in Christ, ambassadors for Christ, and agents of reconciliation. We can't effectively do that when we're bitterly divided, angry, accusatory, and hateful. Love and blessings! -Clayton Ford
Visit Clayton Ford's blog: Spirit-Filled Life by clicking here.

Whether or not you voted for him, President-elect Donald Trump has sincerely asked for God's people to "surround [him] with prayer." What amazing things can be accomplished during this next season if we will, as God—who most often chooses to work through the intercession and hands of His children—does "exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think."