Breaking Christian News

The Faith of Mike Pence, as He Shares Openly before This Historic Election Day

Veronica Neffinger : Nov 7, 2016
Christian Headlines

"All I know today is that I need Him more than ever, and He's really the center of my life and the center of my family's life." -Mike Pence

airlift(Washington, DC)—[Christian Headlines] The Republican campaign is releasing a video of vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence sharing his personal Christian testimony. (Photo: Facebook/via Christian Headlines)

In the video, the Indiana governor goes into more detail regarding his faith. He says he was raised in a Christian family, but didn't make a personal decision to follow Christ until college.

"That night my heart was literally broken wide with gratitude and with joy when I came to realize that what happened on the cross in some small measure actually happened for me. And I know all of you in the room share that same passion and that same sense of gratitude for what was done on our behalf," he shared.

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