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Christian Singer Carman Declares He is 100% Cancer-Free!

Veronica Neffinger : Oct 20, 2016
Christian Headlines

"With God's grace, coupled with your prayers and support, I won my war and today I'm 100 percent cancer-free." -Carman Licciardello

(Los Angeles, CA)—[Christian Headlines] Gospel singer Carman Licciardello has shared that he is now completely cancer-free, and he credits God's healing and the prayers of supporters for his recovery, according to (Photo via Facebook)

In a Facebook post that included pictures, the singer, known simply as "Carman," wrote, "With God's grace, coupled with your prayers and support, I won my war and today I'm 100 percent cancer-free. But the pictures you see are those in the thick of their battle. My campaign on GoFundMe is simply called 'A Night of Victory.' Backstage after every concert I personally give a special Prayer Bear to those in cancer treatment right now."

Carman also encouraged fans to...

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