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Adopt-a-Battalion IDF Program Builds Strong Relationships Between Soldiers and Civilians

Tsivya Fox : Sep 26, 2016
Breaking Israel News

Not only does the adoption of a battalion increase army morale and help the well-being of soldiers, but it also builds a true bond between donors and soldiers.

airlift(Israel)—[BIN] For over a decade, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) has offered companies, groups and individuals the chance to "Adopt-a-Battalion". This unique program builds deep and lasting relationships between IDF soldiers and civilians who support them. (Photo: IDF Online Instagram/via BIN)

"Adopt-a-Battalion is a significant way for people to share in the safety and success of the State of Israel," stated Brigadier General Yehiel Gozal, CEO of Yahad-United for Israel's Soldiers, to Breaking Israel News. "Extraordinary bonds are built between IDF combat soldiers and civilians through this program."

Those wishing to adopt a battalion make a significant commitment to the welfare of Israeli soldiers. Donors must agree to give 100,000 NIS (about $27,000) annually for three years. Not only does the adoption of a battalion increase army morale and help the well-being of soldiers, but it also builds a true bond between donors and soldiers.

"Donors are invited to an emotional Adopt-a-Battalion ceremony," continued Gozal. "They...
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