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E-Mail Leak: How George Soros' Money Influences the U.S. Catholic Church to Tout Leftist Ideals and Tries to Swing the 2016 Election to Hillary

John Henry Westen : Aug 24, 2016

The grant specifically targeted the 'pro-family' agenda, redirecting it from defending marriage to being concerned with income equality.

(The Vatican)—[LifeSiteNews] Leaked emails through WikiLeaks reveal that billionaire globalist George Soros—one of Hillary Clinton's top donors—paid $650,000 to influence Pope Francis' September 2015 visit to the USA with a view to "shifting national paradigms and priorities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential campaign." The funds were allocated in April 2015 and the report on their effectiveness suggests that successful achievements included, "Buy-in of individual bishops to more publicly voice support of economic and racial justice messages in order to begin to create a critical mass of bishops who are aligned with the Pope." (Photo: George Soros/Shutterstock/via LifeSiteNews)

The monies were granted to two US entities that have been engaged in a long-term project, according to the report, of shifting "the priorities of the US Catholic church." Grantees were PICO, a faith-based community organizing group, and Faith in Public Life (FPL), a progressive group working in media to promote left-leaning 'social justice' causes. Soros has funded left-wing causes the world over and was just found to have been funding an effort to eliminate pro-life laws around the globe.

Board Minutes from the May 2015 meeting of Soros' Open Society Foundation in New York reveal that in the planning stages of the papal visit initiative, the group planned to work through one of the Pope's key advisors, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, naming him specifically in the report. In order to seize on the opportunity provided by the Pope's visit to the US, says the report, "we will support PICO's organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Rodriguez, the Pope's senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America."

In 2013 Cardinal Rodriguez endorsed PICO's work in a video during a visit from PICO representatives to the cardinal's diocese. "I want to endorse all the efforts they are doing to promote communities of faith," he said, "...Please, keep helping PICO."  

The post-operative report on the funding to influence the papal visit comes in the 2016 report entitled, Review of 2015 U.S. Opportunities Fund. The Soros group was pleased with the result of their campaign and saw statements by various bishops against presidential candidates who are using "fear mongering"—likely a reference to the GOP lineup, and perhaps Trump specifically—as one outcome of their efforts. "The impact of this work and the relationships it has fostered can be seen in the broad range of religious leaders hitting pointedly back at presidential candidates for their use of fear mongering," the report said. (Photo: via Wikipedia)

Additionally, the summary report says their funding was helpful to counter "anti-gay rhetoric" in the media. The "efficacy of the media campaign can be seen in the team's ability to react to and counter the anti-gay rhetoric following the Kim Davis story (the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for defying a federal court order to issue marriage licenses to gay couples whom the Pope visited)," the report states.

The grant specifically targeted the 'pro-family' agenda, redirecting it from defending marriage to being concerned with income equality...

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