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Democrats Adopt Most Pro-Abortion Platform in History: Taxpayers to Foot the Bill

Ben Johnson : Jul 28, 2016

It strongly contrasts with the Republican Party's 2016 platform, widely described as the most pro-life in the party's history.

airlift(Philadelphia, PA)—[LifeSiteNews] The Democratic Party's 2016 platform pledges to "stand up" for Planned Parenthood, fund abortion nationwide and around the world, vows to "overturn" state and federal restrictions on abortion, proposes cracking down on pro-life sidewalk counselors, and affirms abortion as "core" to people's "health and well-being." (Photo: Shutterstock/via LifeSiteNews)

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention formally adopted the 55-page long platform on Monday.

In addition to a constitutional right, the platform describes "safe and legal abortion" as "core to women's, men's, and young people's health and well-being."

"We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people," the document says. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was endorsed by Planned Parenthood early in the primaries, has promised "more federal funding for Planned Parenthood" if she is elected.

While Democratic politicians have defended funding the nation's largest abortion provider by noting that taxpayers do not pay for abortions in most cases, they would change that if possible.

"We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman's access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment," which prohibits abortion funding except in the cases of rape or incest.

The platform vows to end the "discrimination" that does not allow low-income women to have their abortions paid for by taxpayers, and respects the consciences of those who choose not to offer abortion in their health insurance plans.

For the first time, the nation's oldest political party calls for repealing the Helms Amendment, which bars U.S. taxpayer funding of abortion through foreign aid to...

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