Breaking Christian News

Revealed: The TRUE Power of "Healing Frequency" Music Therapy

Paid Advertisment : Jun 27, 2016

7 Amazing New "Musical Tones" Found to Relieve Stress, Promote Healing, Break Negative Cycles, Erase Shame & Guilt, and Restore Damaged DNA... In Minutes

Dear Friend and Fellow Believer,

What if I told you that by simply listening to a certain kind of music your body could unlock the power to correct emotional and physical ailments... even deadly diseases?

I know - you'd probably think I was nuts!

But you'd be wrong because...

I've witnessed this healing power first-hand.

Click Here to Read More and You'll Completely Understand

You see, I need you to read Michael Tyrrell's story so you can see for yourself what I've been experiencing over the past year or so (since April, 2015).

I met Michael many years ago and we hit it off instantly.  Since then, he's become a dear friend of mine. He's a spiritual man with a deep love for God and people.

In fact, he contributes natural health articles nearly every month in his "Spiritual Wellness" column of our publication we call "Home Cures That Work".

In addition to being an inspiring writer, Michael's also a powerful speaker and a fantastic musician. (He can play guitar like Steve Vai & Eddie Van Halen!)

But recently, Michael finished a project that had been stirring inside of him for nearly 20 years. Some have called this his "Magnum Opus" or his "life's work". And I am honored to be the person who is bringing this project to you, and the world.

He has revealed 7 ancient musical tones and frequencies that have the amazing potential to help your body heal itself and facilitate hard-to-explain results (many call them miraculous).

Here's a short list of some of the things people have been experiences after listening to these ancient "healing frequencies":

  • Erase feelings of fear and guilt
  • Replace sluggishness and lethargy with quick, sharp energy
  • Correct problems in your blood, muscles, joints ... kidneys and liver - without dangerous drugs
  • Neutralize immune system and hormonal imbalances
  • Almost instantly soothe feelings of unrest, anxiety, and depression
  • Restore full, healthy function to your heart, adrenal glands, and circulatory system
  • Experience deep spiritual and emotional healing

And that's just for starters.

But none of this would have happened if Michael wasn't living "in tune" with God's will - and wasn't open to looking at things from a different perspective.  Once he "got the vision" - he didn't hesitate.

Michael took it upon himself to record 7 beautiful songs using these very same "healing frequencies" or "Wholetones" as he calls them...

Today, I want you to experience this beautiful, healing music for yourself.

All you have to do is click here to see the full story behind this project, and listen to the music.

Now I hate to admit it... but the truth is, I'm more than just a little embarrassed that I was extremely skeptical at first.

And until I listened to and experienced the power of this beautiful "healing music" myself - I was sure it was just a bunch of nonsense.

But now... I've seen too many lives that have been changed... hundreds of my customers have experience miraculous changes in their life.  And there's really no reason at all why they won't work for you.

These amazing "healing tones" have been scientifically proven to be advantageous to your body. And many believe they have the power to facilitate healing in your body and in your life...

Click Here
to Get the Full Story and Listen to these "Healing Frequencies" for Yourself

Michael first experienced the power of these songs when he played a certain note, tuned to the 741Hz frequency, on his guitar while sitting next to his mother the day before she went in for surgery to remove a pancreatic tumor (you've got to hear the story for yourself) - and I'm thrilled to say she's still with us, 11-years later... tumor and cancer-free.

Personally, I've listened to all these amazing songs over and over... and found they relieve my stress, calm my nerves, ease my breathing, and allow me to be more focused and productive on my multiple work projects.

And that's not all...

I've also used these same songs to soothe my OWN mother with late stage cancer.  This past spring, my mom's stage-IV cancer took a turn for the worse.
When we were together on Easter, she and I wept as we listened to Michael's music together.

The song we both were spiritually moved the most by is called, "Great Awakening".

It's recorded in the frequency of 741Hz.

Now, I'm not quite sure how to explain it or scientifically validate it, but what I DO know is this:

It Definitely Helped Us Both to Heal Emotionally, Accept What Was Happening, and Let Everything Go.

Both my mom and I can attest - although it's hard to put into words - this music resonates and benefits the whole self - mind, body, and spirit.

Trust me, you WILL believe in the healing power of this music once you hear Michael's story. See Michael's story right now... it costs you nothing but a few moments of your time...

Listen to the Music

This could be the answer to your prayers.

Yours for Vibrant, Amazing Health,

Joe Barton
CEO & Founder of Barton Publishing
Publisher of Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project.

P.S.  If you want to know exactly what the divine gift of healing is I'm talking about and how it could help you stay healthy and vibrant for the rest of your life - then all you have to do is read more here.


**Note: You will not be ordering this item from Breaking Christian News. Your order will be processed on the Wholetones site. Please contact them directly with any order inquiries or questions about this product.

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