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Raped, Married, and Pregnant: My Husband and I Chose Life

Jennifer Christie-Opinion : Jun 16, 2016

Do I believe that abortion helps some women "forget" sexual assault? That carrying a "rape baby" to term is torture? That letting "rapist DNA" survive is detrimental to society? No. No. And no! These are the lies women are seduced by. At their most broken and vulnerable they are told, "You can forget." There is no forgetting. Any woman who has been through the nightmare of rape needs unwavering emotional support. I have only love in my heart for fellow survivors. I pray for complete healing for us all.

[LifeSiteNews/Savethe1] We live in a country of equivocation. "I'm a vegetarian—but I eat chicken." "I've been completely faithful—except for that one weekend in Vegas." Or, "I am pro-life—except in cases of rape or incest." Okay, see—then no, you're not, and no, you haven't, and no, you aren't. (Photo via LifeSiteNews)

If you had asked me two years ago about rape and pregnancy, I would have looked away uncomfortably, shifted my weight back and forth, and become suddenly engrossed in my fingernail polish. I've always considered myself pro-life, but come on. Rape? "How can we expect any woman to carry the memory of such horror?" is what I thought, like so many others. Even many of our staunchest pro-life religious and political leaders make this exception. We're talking about "rape babies," as they say, and it's best if we just allow it.
But that was two years ago. And things change...
He was very tall, young looking, and strong. He wasn't there until suddenly he was everywhere. I fought until I couldn't. As I became a statistic, I remember thinking how, for the rest of my life, time would be split: before this moment/after this moment. And in the "after this moment," I became someone else—someone better, more honest, and stronger than I ever thought possible.
While pregnant, I researched other stories, and reached out to Rebecca with Save The 1, who said: "I think a lot of people would be really blessed by your story. Would you consider sharing it?" 
"Oh ... I don't know ..."
"Just as much as you're comfortable with—the commitment you've had since the beginning to love this baby, especially your husband's love for you and for this child he’s loved as his own. You’re married and it's not the typical testimony." Hmm, unconditional love. No, it isn't typical.
I thought of women like me—women who felt alone and unsure and terrified; women who wanted to keep their babies after being raped but are under that pressure to abort; women who didn't yet know what they were capable of and the courage they had. What if they read about me? As different as our circumstances might be, maybe it would encourage them to know that they're not alone? And what about men—husbands and boyfriends of pregnant rape victims? They could see that it's possible to fall in love with that child regardless of origin or DNA. They could witness a husband who recognized the innocence and beauty of God's creation and saw only a baby that's a part of his beloved wife, and therefore his. (Photo via LifeSiteNews)
The decision was easy then. "Okay. Let's do it."
"Raped on a business trip" was originally published in December, 2014. I prayed that it would touch people. I prayed whoever read it would be reminded of how God can bring good out of the worst evil. I prayed that women raising children from or pregnant by rape would feel encouraged. And I prayed for the ones who originally thought I should have aborted—that they might see the value down the path I took. It was a simple retelling of my story. Or so I thought...
Read what happened when Jennifer shared her experience by clicking here.