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Reality Stars of "Little People, Big World" Under Fire for Supporting Traditional Marriage

Ben Johnson : Jun 9, 2016

LGBT activists became increasingly riled after Audrey Roloff shared an article on social media about "true Christian marriage" and spoke at a women's conference with her friend Lisa Bevere, a worldwide Christian leader and wife of charismatic pastor John Bevere.

airlift(Helvetia, OR)—[LifeSiteNews] The stars of the reality show "Little People, Big World" are coming under fire for saying "same-sex marriages" are "not something we agree with." (Photo via LifeSiteNews)

Christian Jeremy Roloff and his wife, Audrey, run a blog titled "Beating 50 Percent," dedicated to helping couples give each other 100 percent of their time and devotion.

Eventually, someone noticed their Christian-themed blog never mentioned same-sex couples.

"We are not claiming to be a resource for same-sex marriages," Audrey Roloff wrote in a comment. "It is not something we agree with."

However, she did "invite same-sex marriages to read our content ... They wouldn't see our blog for what it is against but what it is for."

"We are for opposite-sex marriages that are striving to give more than average to their marriages, to live out the covenant of marriage every day, and to center their marriage around Christ," she continued.

"That being said, know that our content is not written to same-sex marriages, so to say that we don't offer advice for that side is accurate," she concluded.

The comment has since been deleted, but... 

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