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Noah's Ark Replica Ready to Set Sail for Brazil

News Staff : Apr 27, 2016
CBN News

"While still in planning, desired future ports to visit include: Montevideo and Buenos Aires, Havana, Panama, Colombia and then to the United States: San Diego, Long Beach, San Francisco, and Seattle."

airlift(The Netherlands)—[CBN News] A full-scale replica of Noah's Ark is set to make a 5,000-mile journey across the Atlantic Ocean from its home in the Netherlands to Brazil. (Photo via

Johan Huibers plans to sail the fully functional ark that took four years to build. 
"Johan's Ark," a 400-foot reproduction of the Biblical Noah's Ark, will travel via barge to South America.

The Ark of Noah Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit group, is raising money to fund the trip, which they plan to live stream the entire way across.

Click here to watch a virtual tour of Johan's Ark.
airlift"Once in Brazil, the ark will be using techniques that include virtual and augmented reality to tell original different Biblical themes and stories in an interactive and challenging way," according to a statement on Christian Newswire. (Photo via
The Ark of Noah group also plans to have Johan's Ark visit other harbors while journeying through South, Middle and North America.
"While still in planning, desired future ports to visit include: Montevideo and Buenos Aires, Havana, Panama, Colombia and then to the United States: San Diego, Long Beach, San Francisco, and Seattle," the Foundation's website states.
Johan's Ark is 95 feet wide, 75.5 feet high, and 410 feet long. It weighs 2,500 tons and can carry 5,000 people.
It's been on display since 2012, and visitors can take interactive tours on the inside.