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Scientists Prove Your Brain "Recognizes the Reality of God"

Jessilyn Justice : Feb 17, 2016
Charisma News

"Psychologists and anthropologists deemed that children left to their own devices would have some conception of God. Some attribute this to our innate sense of detecting patterns in the world (as to discern predators or prey in nature), while others propagate the notion of a 'supersense'—or a cognitive tendency to infer hidden forces in the world working for good or ill." -Shaheen E. Lakhan

Even if you were never taught to believe in God, your brain could still recognize His existence. Such is the premise of Romans 1, and a roundtable discussion set to air on National Geographic. (Photo: Flickr/via Charisma News)

According to National Geographic, fascinating new research has uncovered the possibility that believing in God may be hardwired in our brains.

"Psychologists and anthropologists deemed that children left to their own devices would have some conception of God. Some attribute this to our innate sense of detecting patterns in the world (as to discern predators or prey in nature), while others propagate the notion of a 'supersense'—or a cognitive tendency to infer hidden forces in the world working for good or ill," says Shaheen E. Lakhan, who holds several doctorate degrees, including an M.D.

Lakhan's statements back up those of Andrew Newberg, who actively researches "neurotheology."

Newberg conducted several brain studies, evaluating what happens when a person prays or meditates.

After eight weeks of prayer, "They had improvements of about 10 or 15 percent."

"This is only after eight weeks at 12 minutes a day, so you can imagine what happens in people who are deeply religious and spiritual and are doing these practices for hours a day for years and..."

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