Breaking Christian News

Christian Doctors in Canada Battle Euthanasia Bill

Julie Brown Patton : Feb 8, 2016
The Gospel Herald

"People who are deeply involved in helping others should not be pressured into doing that [physician-assisted death] or into making it happen indirectly. It is just not right. If we have a truly diverse and richly inclusive community, it is very important that people of conscience not be forced into doing things. That is not a better Canada." -Cardinal Thomas Collins

airlift(Canada)—Canada's Supreme Court members have until June to pass new legislation on physician-assisted suicide. One group, Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada, opposes a pro-assistance stance. (Photo via Gospel Herald)

Thousands of Canadian Christian doctors may be forced to execute assisted suicide if a proposed new law passes. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled the country's prohibition on suicide assistance was a breach of an individual's Charter rights. Government representatives have until June to pass new legislation, but a Christian physicians' group is already sounding the alarm about the implications of a change in the law.

The Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada organization represents several thousand physicians and students, and representatives of the group expressed their concern to a parliamentary committee on Wednesday, reports Christianity Today.

Canada's Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision, on Feb. 6, 2015, that doctors may help patients who have severe and incurable medical conditions to die, overturning a...

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