Breaking Christian News

Texas Reports 4,500 Fewer Abortions After Passing Major Pro-Life Laws

Dustin Siggins : Aug 26, 2015

Partial defunding of Planned Parenthood is part of the reason.

(Austin, TX)—More than 4,000 fewer women chose abortion in Texas in 2013 than 2012—and pro-life laws are getting credit for the change. (Photo via LifeSiteNews)

Yesterday, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reported that 63,849 abortions were done in Texas. This was 4,449 fewer abortions than what the state saw in 2012, and down from more than 77,000 in 2010.

2013 is the latest year for which the state has released abortion statistics, and the first year that several pro-life laws were in full effect. Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates have said the downward trend in abortions is because of pro-life laws in Texas. In March 2013, pro-abortion researcher Dr. Daniel Grossman of Ibis Reproductive Health conducted a study that he said showed a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion and mandatory ultrasounds were “burdensome.”

However, Texas Right to Life Communications Director Melissa Conway was more optimistic. She told LifeSiteNews that “we're now seeing the full impact of pro-life laws in Texas. The number of abortions has declined as life-saving legislation goes into effect."

In addition to the 24-hour waiting period and mandatory ultrasounds, the state also passed a law requiring all abortionists to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Abortion clinics were also required to upgrade their facilities.

The latter requirements were temporarily suspended by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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