Breaking Christian News

A Bill that Considers the Pain of the Pre-born

Staff reports / Aimee Herd reporting : Nov 2, 2005
Citizen Link

The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act was considered by members of the U.S. Congress yesterday.

"This would require that a woman who is ready to have an abortion, that she is provided with information telling her about the pain that the unborn baby will feel," explained Rep. Steve Chabot of Ohio.

According to the report by Citizen Link, a professor from the St. Thomas School of Law testified, stating that the American medical community is "behind the times" when it comes to research in this area.

Chabot added, "Until we can get a Supreme Court that is willing to look at this issue and reverse Roe v. Wade, there are other things that we can do to help protect unborn - innocent life in this country - and this bill is one of those things."