Breaking Christian News

FINALLY, the Air Force Grounds Notorious Anti-Christian Activist Mikey Weinstein

News Release : Mar 30, 2015
American Family Association

Individual base commanders no longer have to deal with his unscrupulous demands.

After years of dealing with the bullying antics of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the Air Force is finally grounding anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein. (Screenshot via YouTube)

According to OneNewsNow, senior leaders are instructing base commanders that when the MRFF founder calls, "tell him 'Thank you for the call' and then send it up chain of command so [we] can start making correct decisions early on."

In other words, when Weinstein calls, individual base commanders no longer have to deal with his unscrupulous demands.

The final straw came just two weeks ago, when Weinstein complained to the base commander at Robins Air Force Base in Georgia that gate guards were wishing people, "Have a blessed day." The commander immediately ordered the greeting halted, but the decision was quickly reversed by his superiors, who said "Have a blessed day" is "consistent with Air Force standards and is not in violation of Air Force Instructions."

How did this happen?

American Family Association has worked tirelessly to stop the assault on religious freedom for those serving in our military. Our efforts to help expose the unscrupulous antics of Mikey Weinstein have finally been recognized by Air Force leaders.

Although we know the religious freedom in the military issue is far from over, we thought you would enjoy knowing that your actions and our actions are having an impact.