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President Obama Announces New Policies toward Cuba, Following Release of American Alan Gross

Aimee Herd : Dec 17, 2014
FOX News

The White House will also call on Congress to lift the US Embargo on Cuba.

In a speech on Wednesday, President Obama announced that the United States will begin seeking to "normalize relations" between Cuba and the US. Watch the president's address here. (Photo via Reuters)

The address came following the release of American Alan Gross, who had been imprisoned in Cuba for five years, and whose health had recently deteriorated. Gross was reportedly "released on humanitarian grounds by the Cuban government at the request of the United States," according to an Obama administration official.

In return, the US released 3 Cubans (part of the "Cuban 5") who had been convicted of espionage.

However, Sen. Marco Rubio-a Cuban-American from Florida, and an expert on US-Cuba relations-warned that "trading Mr. Gross for three convicted criminals sets an extremely dangerous precedent. It invites dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans serving overseas as bargaining chips." (Watch Sen. Rubio's reaction to Obama's announcement, here)

In his address, Obama also stated that he would be calling on Congress to lift the over 50-year embargo on Cuba.

Obama noted that he had been encouraged by Pope Francis to take measures to secure Alan Gross' release.