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A Bona Fide " Double Miracle"! Doctors Credit "Divine Providence" with Bringing a Mother Came Back to Life After Having No Pulse for 45 Minutes

Teresa Neumann : Nov 10, 2014
Staff – WPTV, Sun Sentinel

"It was a complete miracle of God. It was answered prayer. We all were there. We all witnessed it." -Nurse Julie Ewing

airlift(Boca Raton, FL) - The wires are pulsing today with the belated news that a 40-year-old woman whose heart gave out for 45 minutes after she gave birth during a routine C-section at Boca Baton Regional Hospital did not only miraculously resuscitate, but did so retaining full use of her brain. Yet another miracle. (Photo via WPTV)

The word "miracle" is not used lightly in the case of Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro. Even doctors and nurses who witnessed agree her glowing health today is a double-miracle, with spokesman Thomas Chakurda calling it "Divine Providence." 

A report in the Sun Sentinel describes the harrowing circumstances of the mother's collapse, saying the medical team had stopped all lifesaving procedures after 45-minutes of trying to bring Graupera-Cassmiro back to life and were preparing to record a time of death.

At that point, the woman's family reportedly "said their good-byes" and left the room with a nurse named Julie Ewing. 

"They held hands and prayed, Ewing on her knees," the report noted, adding, "And then the impossible happened. A blip of a heartbeat showed up. Then another, and another." 

"It was a complete miracle of God. It was answered prayer," said Ewing. "We all were there. We all witnessed it."

Dr. Anthony Dardano, president of the hospital's medical staff agreed. "There's very few things in medicine that I've seen, working in the trauma center myself and doing all the things that I do, that really were either unexplainable or miraculous," he said. "And when I heard this story that was the first thing that came to my mind. 

Click here to read more, and what Graupera-Cassimiro said happened to her while she was "dead."