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4 "NEAT" Ways to Combat the "Sedentary" Epidemic That's Spreading in Offices

Diana Anderson-Tyler : Oct 17, 2014
Charisma News

"NEAT" is an acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which basically means performing low-impact movements throughout your work day that keep your metabolism humming and your circulation flowing.

According to the American Heart Association, sedentary jobs have increased 83 percent since 1950. Physically active jobs now compose only about 25 percent of our workforce. (Photo: Stretching/Diana Anderson-Tyler)

That is 50 percent less than 1950. Our average work week is also longer. Americans today work 47 hours a week—164 more hours a year than 20 years ago. So now not only are more of us sitting as we earn a living, but we are sitting longer—which ironically could mean less time living—as sedentary lifestyles increase one's risk for a number of health problems including obesity, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, cognitive decline, stroke, and depression.

Today I want to discuss four "NEAT" ways you can prevent the ill effects of a deskbound job without having to break a sweat. "NEAT," by the way, is an acronym for non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which basically means performing low-impact movements throughout your work day that keep your metabolism humming and your circulation flowing.

The key is to do one or more of these activities 10 minutes every hour. Set alarms to remind you, and make your NEAT time a priority.

1. Stretch

When we sit for extended periods, our lower back, hips, and hamstrings become tightened, which leads to pain and immobility and can set you up for injury during physical activities. Here are a few of my favorite beginner-level stretches to help alleviate soreness and inflexibility:

Thread the Needle (target: lower back). Lie on your back and bend both knees with the feet flat on the ground. Bend the right knee like a figure four, with the outer left ankle on top of right thigh (just above the knee). Lift the left foot into the air, bringing the left calf parallel to the ground. Thread your right hand between the opening of the legs and interlace your hands behind your left thigh. Hold for one to two minutes and then repeat on the opposite side...

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