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Bishop T.D. Jakes is Now Producing Two Hollywood TV shows for Mainstream Viewers

Jennifer Leclaire : Sep 22, 2014
Charisma News

"We think that viewers are hungry for the opportunity to learn from his insights."

Bishop T.D. Jakes is known for producing faith-based movies such as Heaven Is for Real, but the 30,000-member megachurch pastor is now taking his talents to the small screen: TV. And not Christian television this time, but secular TV.

That's according to a story in the Hollywood Reporter. One show would be based on his latest book, Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive. The other would be a talk show that would air nationwide beginning sometime in 2015 or 2016.

"We think that viewers are hungry for the opportunity to learn from his insights," says Stephanie Drachkovitch, 44 Blue Prod. co-owner and executive VP who is working with TDJ Enterprises and Enlight Entertainment on the shows. She told the Hollywood Reporter she believes "his unique voice and universal message will motivate and entertain."

Read more here.