Breaking Christian News

Federal Judge Strikes Down Healthcare Mandate for Baptist College

Aimee Herd : Aug 19, 2014
Citizen Link

"...this is big because it's apparently the first such decision in either the nonprofit or for-profit cases that actually decides the substantive issue—not just the temporary reprieve."

Louisiana College(Louisiana)—According to a Citizen Link report, a Christian college in Louisiana is the latest to win a judgment striking down the HHS Mandate, which would've required them to offer potential abortion-inducing drugs in their employees' health plans.

On Wednesday, a federal district judge ruled that Louisiana College—a Baptist school—is exempt from complying with the mandate.

Focus on the Family Judicial Analyst Bruce Hausknecht noted, "This is bigger than a preliminary injunction—they already had won that. This is a decision ‘on the merits' of the college's Religious Freedom Restoration Act claim, which they won at the district court level. But this is big because it's apparently the first such decision in either the nonprofit or for-profit cases that actually decides the substantive issue—not just the temporary reprieve."

According to the report, the Department of Justice initially attempted to have the case dismissed, and it's likely that the decision will be appealed by the D.O.J.

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