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"Persecuted" Actor, Dedicated to God in His Mother's Womb, Hits Back at Anti-Christian Bias in Hollywood: Exhorts Christians Too

Teresa Neumann : Jul 21, 2014
Billy Hallowell – The Blaze

"My mom, when she found out she was pregnant [with me], told God: 'If You'll give me this son, I promise I will dedicate his entire life to Your service.' I didn't ask her to do that, but here's what I've learned. When you tell God that you dedicate your kid to Him in the womb, and you dedicate his life to Him, God actually takes this seriously. It's kind of like being made in the Mafia. God doesn't let you go until He kills you. That's how it works." -Brad Stine

Church(Hollywood, CA)—Brad Stine, the conservative Christian who stars in the new faith-based film "Persecuted," is a man on a mission who wants to develop a way for Christian movie and television producers to put out casting calls to Christian actors and actresses for upcoming productions.

Christians in the entertainment industry should be working together, maintains the actor-comedian, who recently revealed his personal experience with anti-Christian bias in Hollywood. He says the bias is not unique to him.

"Unless you've already made it like Jon Voight or Gary Sinise," said Stine, "and you're a conservative, [Hollywood] kind of leaves you alone because they care more about the money than the ideology. But if you haven't made it yet, the shot of getting in is very slim. We Christians make our own films because they won't green-light ours. We have to find backdoors and continue to find backdoors."

According to an article in The Blaze, Stine places some of the blame at the feet of Christians too, saying that too often in the past Christians have produced inferior quality film projects that are little more than "dramatized sermons." Those attempts may have reached Christians, he said, but they've typically flopped with getting their message to unbelievers.

In fact, Stine noted that Vice-President Joe Biden recently quipped that he gets his political savvy from sitcoms, such as "Will and Grace." If that's the case, he said, Christians need to use the same means that non-Christians do to change how Americans see issues.

In an interview with MovieGuide Stine summarized his motives and mission, saying, "If you ask me what informs the thing that I do," he said, "it's all based on the Christian worldview. It's all about seeing the world through the truth of Christ—how He said what life was, what went wrong, how do we fix it, etc. So, even though I'll always be a comedian, and I'll always use the arts—because that's what God's gifted me with—it will always be dictated by how I see life based on how God has told me life is. So you will always get a sense of my faith, either as social commentary... or through nuance or more abstract conceptual ideas that are trying to plant seeds that can drive you towards God... That's what I'm all about."

"My call," he concluded, "is to tell His story, but I do it with the arts. That's the package He gave me to deliver His story."